Archive for June, 2009

Big Trucks, Loud Toys, Small Minds

Posted in Oregon, Uncategorized with tags on June 7, 2009 by pescadito50

All in all, a small test of patience and compatibility where once again, we saw things in sync.  Given the fairly beautiful surroundings, we were in fact, surrounded by yayhoo, inbred, dumb-ass, meth-crazed, drunken, motorheaded, consumer-driven, ignoramuses, who kicked up the dust and decibels all over the river bar in their big-wheeled trucks, quads, motorcycles, and jet skis,  while screaming moronically and incestuously, until 3:30 in the morning. Truly, we were witnessing living proof of the theory of evolution, or more precisely,  ‘regressive evolution’.

Welcome to Oregon !  Without the cities of Portland, Eugene, Ashland, and a few others, this state would be as hayseed as any. Too bad.  Why must this gene pool  continue to breed?  Was this another example of the ‘miracle’ of gods’ will ?BigTrucksFrom Oregon

Oak Flat on the Illinois River, Oregon

Posted in HDR Photos, Oregon with tags , , on June 7, 2009 by pescadito50

A physically beautiful area, with indigenous history, clean water, bald eagles – were it not for the intrusion of  some mindless Oregon inbreds…OakFlat